Homage to Hybridity

When I read the Week 9 post it immediately brought to mind my wonderful hybrid sisters. They deserve to be named: Anastasia Ashman, Tara Lutman Ağaçayak, Rose Deniz, Sezin Koehler, Judith van Praag, Elmira Bayrasli, Catherine Salter Bayar and Jocelyn Eikenburg. These are women consistently remind me that being myself is ok, in fact, that it is terrific. Our backgrounds are varied, our locations global, what unites us is a belief in ourselves and an acceptance of our hybrid nature. What Click for more

United in Fear

I had never heard of Gabrielle Giffords until her name appeared below a breaking news headline on Saturday 8th January. I didn’t know she was a member of the US congress, what party she represented, whether she was liked, good at her job, or known nationally within the States. But I was shocked by the images, people crying, chaos,panic, paramedics rushing towards helicopters. Six people died, one only a child, fourteen injured, while Giffords still fights in a hospital bed. Click for more


Announcing HYBRID AMBASSADORS: a blog-ring project of Dialogue2010 You met our multinational cultural innovators this spring in a roundtable discussion of hybrid life at expat+HAREM. Now in these interconnected blog posts some of them share reactions to a recent polarizing book promotion at the writing network SheWrites. Join the discussion on Twitter using #HybridAmbassadors or #Dialogue2010 I am special. I really am. I’m from a small country. That makes me special, there are only so many of us out there. Click for more


A few weeks ago I had a problem. It should have been simple – there were only two solutions. All I had to do was choose. But I couldn’t, no matter how hard I thought about the problem both solutions looked bad. It was a rock or a hard place, the frying pan or the fire. I was spending far too much time obsessing and getting nothing done. Then the Handyman provided a flash of inspiration. ‘There is no wrong Click for more

Subordinate passion

I’ve been taking a creative break lately. Unlike Rose’s holiday break this has been a business one. Yet I have to admit I have been more productive in the last month than in a long time. I’ve set up this blog, set up Skaian Gates English and overseen changes to house and garden too. I’ve entered a new phase in my hybrid life as my business will lead me back to my scientific roots.  And combined with the increase in Click for more