
Announcing HYBRID AMBASSADORS: a blog-ring project of Dialogue2010 You met our multinational cultural innovators this spring in a roundtable discussion of hybrid life at expat+HAREM. Now in these interconnected blog posts some of them share reactions to a recent polarizing book promotion at the writing network SheWrites. Join the discussion on Twitter using #HybridAmbassadors or #Dialogue2010 I am special. I really am. I’m from a small country. That makes me special, there are only so many of us out there. Click for more

Peace and Quiet

Most satellite dishes around here point two ways. Southeast towards Turksat and all channels Turkish; or south towards Hotbird and all channels, em, hot, plus BBC World. Ours points at the north star. We took it down to do some work on the house and haven’t put it back yet. There’s some debate that we may not put it back at all. We’ve been going to bed earlier and the Handyman’s blood pressure is not being increased by hours of Click for more