I’d like to thank…

very-inspiring-blogger-award1I’ve been struggling a little lately with blogging. It’s into the New Year and yet there are no new posts, several reviews waiting to be written and an air of hesitation prevails.

So it was a terrific boost when Sezin Koehler nominated me as a Very Inspiring Blogger.

Sezin is a terrific wonderful amazing sister who I’ve virtually known for ages. She’s lived all around the world and is now back in the US, just about surviving life in small-town Florida. She’s been through so much in her life that she inspires me every day with her openness, honesty and strength. She’s in the middle of editing her second book; her first book, American Monsters, is a horror story with gore, feminism and wonderful illustrations by Rose Deniz. She’s got a range of alter egos from Zuzu Kahlo to Zuzu Hulk.

So now here are my nominations:

Kristin Bair O’Keeffe for her wonderful Writerhead, an inspiring mix of honesty, writing and fun. She had the good taste to marry an Irish man, has lived in Shanghai, and has an adorably precocious daughter. Kristin also runs an international writing workshop #38 Write for place passionate, globally aware, culturally curious writers. I’ve participated for the last few months and it’s been a terrific experience.

Jocelyn Eikenburg for her long-running account of Chinese-American relationships in Speaking of China. Jocelyn is passionate about her subject, married to it as she is, and doesn’t shy away from any topics. She’s stood by her husband through post grad work and discrimination and I have endless respect for her strength in the face of difficulty.

Magnumlady, aka Val, an old friend from Magicmum. Her blog is welcoming and funny and her pictures are fantastic. I’m in awe of her ability to find celebrities and autographs, and how she manages to make Ireland look great, even in the rain. She’s fought to get her kids the help they needed and campaigns for animal welfare too. Her dog is called Rocket-dog Arthur Biscuit and he has a Facebook page!

For the last part of my nomination I need to reveal seven things you probably don’t know about me.

Here goes:

  1. I sometimes sneak chocolate even though I am a grown woman and can eat whatever I want whenever I want (and not ruin my dinner!). It’s mainly selfishness; I don’t want to share with the kids (who then wouldn’t eat their dinner).
  2. I have a driving license but have not yet broken the psychological barrier of driving our car. This could be due to the craziness of Turkish drivers, but having been here so long that excuse is looking weak.
  3. Berminghams in Navan is probably my favourite pub ever, I really hope it hasn’t changed in the years since I was there.
  4. I spent two weeks in a zinc-lead mine in the north of Western Australia once. I was due to go back but didn’t.
  5. I lived near the Coors Brewery in Golden, Colorado but never took a tour. Seemed pointless to tour a brewery purely to get a drink of something I normally wouldn’t touch.
  6. I would, and have, toured the Guinness Brewery in Dublin, just to get the free pint at the end.
  7. Eleven is my number.


As an honoree, here are the steps for joining the Very Inspiring Blogger Award/Very Inspiring Blog rolls:
1) To thank and link the blogger who has nominated you.
2) Then post the award logo to your blog.
3) Write a post on the nomination and nominate other very inspiring bloggers.
4) Notify them and then tell seven things about yourself.

8 thoughts on “I’d like to thank…

  1. Kristin Bair O'Keeffe says:

    Thanks, Catherine! I’m honored to be nominated & I can’t wait for your next Skaian Gates post. I love reading your take on things.

  2. Sezin says:

    You are very welcome, Druid Sister! You are the delicious cream that floats right to the top! Lots of love for a successful blogging 2013! xoxoxo

  3. Anastasia says:

    Catherine! I hear you on not driving the car. I’m now driving again (reluctantly) after a decade of being a passenger and the first few times it felt like I was going to float right out of the seat. Like I didn’t trust myself to pay attention to all the details. Had to see myself doing it to get grounded in the experience. Here’s to a 2013 in which you take the wheel on clear, quiet, beautiful stretches of road. xo Kudos to Sezin, Rose, Kristin, Jocelyn, Val!

  4. Judith van Praag says:

    Katherine, Congratulations with the Inspiring Blog Award Hybrid Sister, we go way back too, three years now, I love how playful your voice has become. Now that I know you don’t drive I’m even more impressed with your lifestyle than I was before, a true Celt abroad! Could your next blog post be about transportation? I’ll be back to read! xo 

  5. Catherine Yigit says:

    Thanks Anastasia. It’s good to know it can be done. I think some of it has to do with programming, this car has always been DH’s to drive and I can’t quite get past that.

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